*** ¡¡¡!!! Hiromi´s note: Eaadim wrote this entry with the colours he wanted and he didn´t remember that blue is the colour I use in the english part so in thios entry the english will be in green.
In the entry it will be part which I don´t translate, because they are passages of a book, the "A Thousand and one night" (That parts are in brown colour)
Ok! So here we go!!
***¡¡!! Nota de Hiromi: Este post ha sido escrito por Eaadim y ha usado los colores que ha querido para representar las diferentes partes de la entrada, así que la parte de inglés estará escrita en verde.
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Hola a todos, soy EAADIM y me gustaría comentaros algo que tengo pensado empezar hoy mismo:
In the entry it will be part which I don´t translate, because they are passages of a book, the "A Thousand and one night" (That parts are in brown colour)
Ok! So here we go!!
***¡¡!! Nota de Hiromi: Este post ha sido escrito por Eaadim y ha usado los colores que ha querido para representar las diferentes partes de la entrada, así que la parte de inglés estará escrita en verde.
-------- xxx ----------
Hola a todos, soy EAADIM y me gustaría comentaros algo que tengo pensado empezar hoy mismo:
Hace poco escuché las primeras noticias sobre la nueva generación de consolas, y pensé en rejugar mi colección de títulos para completarlos al 100%, retocar un poco las caratulas de los que fuese pasandome y hablaros sobre ellos aquí, una especie de tributo a los juegos que para mi representan esta generación que parece tener ya fecha de cierre y que tantas horas de diversión me han brindado, espero que os guste y que podamos hablar sobre ello, si teneis algo que decir al respecto.
Hi you all! This is Eaadim, and I want to tell you something I was begining to think from today...
The last days I listened that the new videoconsoles will be here and I thought that i could re-play all my videogames of PS3 to do them to the 100%, re-do the covers like I want and to you about them so I can do like a tribute to them and to all the good hours they gave to me, so I hope we can chat about them too, of couse.
Hi you all! This is Eaadim, and I want to tell you something I was begining to think from today...
The last days I listened that the new videoconsoles will be here and I thought that i could re-play all my videogames of PS3 to do them to the 100%, re-do the covers like I want and to you about them so I can do like a tribute to them and to all the good hours they gave to me, so I hope we can chat about them too, of couse.
ALERTA SPOILER: si teneis intención de pasaros el juego, esto puede estropearos la experiencia, así que a partir de aquí es responsabilidad vuestra.
SOILER ALERT: if you want to play this game or if you don´t know the end of the game... if you read this entry that could be bad for you, so I warn you about the spoilers.
SOILER ALERT: if you want to play this game or if you don´t know the end of the game... if you read this entry that could be bad for you, so I warn you about the spoilers.
"¡Pero cuanto voy a contarte a ti y a todos mis honorables invitados, no me sucedió, en suma, más porque el destino lo había dispuesto de antemano y porque toda cosa escrita debe acaecer, sin que sea posible rehuirla o evitarla!"
Mil y Una Noches
un remoto lugar del desierto
In a remote desert place
In a remote desert place
Tras un merecido
descanso, muchos esperaban volver a saber del Príncipe,
especialmente ahora que el cambio generacional había demostrado unas
ventajas tan notables, esto no ocurriría hasta entrado el 2008.
El Príncipe
regresaba de una de tantas aventuras, cargado de oro e historias,
cuando el destino lo quiso a merced de una de esas tormentas de arena
que, con suerte, solo te arrebatan el rumbo. Procurando orientarse,
y de paso dar con Farah, la sufrida y millonaria burra que acompañaba
al Príncipe por el desierto (guiño, guiño), nuestro obligado
protagonista da con el escenario de su nueva aventura...
After a short break, a lot of us expected to hear about the Prince´s back, especially now that the generational changes had shown such remarkable advantages in the world of videogames, but this would not occur until late 2008.
The Prince returned from one of his many adventures, laden with gold and stories, when destiny willed at the mercy of one of those storms that, hopefully, you just snatch the course. Trying to be oriented, and step up with Farah, the suffering and donkey millionaire who accompanied the Prince in the desert (wink, wink), our protagonist gives the required setting for his new adventure ..
After a short break, a lot of us expected to hear about the Prince´s back, especially now that the generational changes had shown such remarkable advantages in the world of videogames, but this would not occur until late 2008.
The Prince returned from one of his many adventures, laden with gold and stories, when destiny willed at the mercy of one of those storms that, hopefully, you just snatch the course. Trying to be oriented, and step up with Farah, the suffering and donkey millionaire who accompanied the Prince in the desert (wink, wink), our protagonist gives the required setting for his new adventure ..
más solo
Alone anymore
Alone anymore
así el Príncipe llega a la tierra de los Ahura, carceleros de un
mal ancestral que espera la oportunidad de corromper el mundo de los
hombres, también conocido como Ahriman. Nuestros primeros pasos en
el juego nos llevarán hasta Elika, la clave de todo cuanto va a
acontecer y el origen de muchos de los dilemas del Príncipe, al
principio las circunstancias los obligará a ir de la mano, poco
después será por una causa superior, y a lo largo del periplo,
entenderemos que la fuerza que los mantiene firmes, está justo a su
So the Prince reaches the land of Ahura, jailers of an ancient evil that awaits the opportunity to corrupt the world of men, also known as Ahriman. Our first steps in the game will lead to Elika, the key to all that will happen and the origin of many of the dilemmas of the Prince, initially circumstances force them to go together, shortly after will be for a higher cause, and along the journey, we will understand that the force that keeps them, it's right next to him.
So the Prince reaches the land of Ahura, jailers of an ancient evil that awaits the opportunity to corrupt the world of men, also known as Ahriman. Our first steps in the game will lead to Elika, the key to all that will happen and the origin of many of the dilemmas of the Prince, initially circumstances force them to go together, shortly after will be for a higher cause, and along the journey, we will understand that the force that keeps them, it's right next to him.
segunda oportunidad
A second opportunity
A second opportunity
reino de los Ahura se erige en torno al Árbol de la Vida, el legado
de la leyenda de Ormazd, una divinidad que enfrentó sus fuerzas a
las del dios oscuro, encerrando a Ahriman y confiando su custodio a
los Ahura, cuyo propósito verían frustrado con la traición de uno
de los suyos, el padre de la Princesa Elika. ¿Porqué cometer
semejante locura?, porque Ahriman puede mostrarse muy complaciente si
lo liberan, y porque la muerte de una hija es demasiado peso hasta
para un rey, de manera que nuestra compañera es la propia moneda de
cambio que usa el dios oscuro, y a la vez, la única que puede
retornar la situación, ya que al resucitar ha sido bendecida con
ciertos poderes que le permitirán mantener a raya la corrupción,
aunque no sin la ayuda de cierto persa extraviado.
The kingdom of Ahura stands around the Tree of Life, the legacy of the legend of Ormazd, a divinity that pitted the forces of the dark god, locking Ahriman and trusting your custodian to Ahura, whose purpose would be frustrated with the betrayal of one of their own, the father of Princess Elika. Why commit such a folly? Because Ahriman could be dangerously complacent if he were released, and because the death of a child is too heavy for a king, so that our partner is the currency using the dark god, and while, the only one that can return the situation as to resurrect blessed with certain powers that allow you to keep corruption at bay, but not without the help of a Persian misplaced.
The kingdom of Ahura stands around the Tree of Life, the legacy of the legend of Ormazd, a divinity that pitted the forces of the dark god, locking Ahriman and trusting your custodian to Ahura, whose purpose would be frustrated with the betrayal of one of their own, the father of Princess Elika. Why commit such a folly? Because Ahriman could be dangerously complacent if he were released, and because the death of a child is too heavy for a king, so that our partner is the currency using the dark god, and while, the only one that can return the situation as to resurrect blessed with certain powers that allow you to keep corruption at bay, but not without the help of a Persian misplaced.
4 elegidos oscuros
The elected four dark
The elected four dark
decantar la balanza a favor de la luz, nuestra peculiar pareja deberá
llegar hasta los llamados terrenos fértiles, ciertas localizaciones
del reino que han sido corrompidas con el advenimiento de Ahriman, y
que son vulnerables a los poderes de la princesa. Como principal
contratiempo, estos lugares están estrictamente custodiados por los
elegidos de Ahriman, cuatro entidades que en su día se dejaron
llevar por las promesas vacías del último, y que ahora se
interponen entre nosotros y dichos terrenos, custodiando cada uno la zona que mejor lo representa, así pues seremos acechados por el Cazador en la Ciudadela en Ruinas, y tendremos que impedir que la Concubina nos nuble la razón con sus espejismos en Palacio, lo mismo ocurre con el Guerreo y el Alquimista, que nos cortarán el paso en La Ciudad de la Luz y en el Valle respectivamente. Nuestro papel será el
de abrirnos paso para que la princesa pueda sanar estos lugares, así
como el de reafirmar los poderes de la joven con la ayuda de las
semillas de luz dispersas por el reino.
To help the balance in favor of light, our peculiar pair will reach the called fertile land, certain locations of the kingdom that have been corrupted by the advent of Ahriman, and are vulnerable to the powers of the princess. As a major setback, these places are strictly guarded by the elect of Ahriman, four entities that once they were led by the empty promises of the past, and now stand between us and this land, guarding each area that best represents, so we will be haunted by the Hunter in the ruined Citadel, and we must prevent the Concubine cloud our reason with their illusions in the Palace, so does the Warrior and the Alchemist, in the City Light and Valle respectively. Our role will be to make our way with the princess so she can heal these places.
To help the balance in favor of light, our peculiar pair will reach the called fertile land, certain locations of the kingdom that have been corrupted by the advent of Ahriman, and are vulnerable to the powers of the princess. As a major setback, these places are strictly guarded by the elect of Ahriman, four entities that once they were led by the empty promises of the past, and now stand between us and this land, guarding each area that best represents, so we will be haunted by the Hunter in the ruined Citadel, and we must prevent the Concubine cloud our reason with their illusions in the Palace, so does the Warrior and the Alchemist, in the City Light and Valle respectively. Our role will be to make our way with the princess so she can heal these places.
amistad verdadera no puede soportar la amargura de la
separación!.¡Hasta el sol palidece cuando tiene que dejar la
Mil y Una Noches
Príncipe, nuevo juego
New Prince, new game
New Prince, new game
es uno de esos raros casos en los que una secuela, especialmente una
tan veterana, no ofrece más de lo mismo, de hecho solo con mirarlo
por encima es fácil darse cuenta de que la experiencia de juego va a
ser muy distinta a lo visto hasta la fecha, estos son los principales
This is one of those rare cases where a sequel, especially one as veteran, does not offer more of the same, in fact just by looking at above is easy to realize that the gaming experience will be very different to that seen to date, these are the main culprits:
This is one of those rare cases where a sequel, especially one as veteran, does not offer more of the same, in fact just by looking at above is easy to realize that the gaming experience will be very different to that seen to date, these are the main culprits:
“Estáis muy cambiado alteza”
1. "You are very changed Highness"
1. "You are very changed Highness"
aspecto gráfico del juego ha experimentado un cambio radical, ahora
tanto los escenarios como los personajes que por él se desenvuelven
rezuman color, de hecho parecen haber sidos dibujados a mano, que es
precisamente el objetivo del cel-shading, el estilo gráfico elegido
por los desarrolladores y que le sienta tan bien a este título. Este
efecto alcanza su máxima expresión cuando la Princesa libera uno de
los terrenos fértiles y todo el escenario cobra vida. Esto hace que
el juego sea muy reconocible, si lo has jugado, solo necesitarás ver
una captura de pantalla para saber de qué Prince of Persia se trata.
The graphics of the game has undergone a radical change, now both scenarios and the characters exude color, in fact they seem to have hand drawn shekels, which is precisely the aim of the cel-shading, the graphic style chosen by developers and it feels so good to this title. This effect is at its finest when Princess releases one of the fertile land and the whole scene comes alive. This makes the game very recognizable if you've played, you just need to see a screenshot to know what is Prince of Persia.
The graphics of the game has undergone a radical change, now both scenarios and the characters exude color, in fact they seem to have hand drawn shekels, which is precisely the aim of the cel-shading, the graphic style chosen by developers and it feels so good to this title. This effect is at its finest when Princess releases one of the fertile land and the whole scene comes alive. This makes the game very recognizable if you've played, you just need to see a screenshot to know what is Prince of Persia.
“Que el tiempo siga su curso natural”
2. "Let time takes its natural course"
2. "Let time takes its natural course"
apuesta arriesgada esta, hasta ahora, el Príncipe se servía de las
deformaciones temporales para superar los obstáculos más
persistentes, de hecho se podría decir que era una de las cualidades
más características de la saga. El nuevo Príncipe tendría que
apechugar sin este tipo de tretas, esto permitiría ofrecer una trama
no relacionada con las Arenas, pues la anterior trilogía ya había
hecho buen uso de ellas, y presentar algo diferente, nuevos retos,
nuevas habilidades, como ahora veréis, el Príncipe encontró algo
menos peligroso que le ofrecería unos resultados similares.
A long shot this is, for so far, the Prince used temporary distortions to overcome persistent obstacles, in fact you could say it was one of the most characteristic qualities of the saga. The new Prince would have to put up without such tricks, this would provide a plot unrelated to the Sands, as the previous trilogy had already made good use of them, and present something different, new challenges, new skills, as we now see, Prince found something less dangerous that would offer similar results.
A long shot this is, for so far, the Prince used temporary distortions to overcome persistent obstacles, in fact you could say it was one of the most characteristic qualities of the saga. The new Prince would have to put up without such tricks, this would provide a plot unrelated to the Sands, as the previous trilogy had already made good use of them, and present something different, new challenges, new skills, as we now see, Prince found something less dangerous that would offer similar results.
“Dos mejor que uno”
3. "Two better than one"
3. "Two better than one"
Princesa Elika es, con diferencia, la responsable de los cambios más
notables respecto a otros Prince of Persia, por una parte, ponía
punto y final a esas solitarias y silenciosas caminatas durante horas
y horas de juego, ahora el Príncipe tenía una compañera, no una
que apareciese cada tanto, o que fuese una carga para él, sino una
mujer decidida, encantadora y muy capaz, una que lo salvaría de caer
al vacío cuando fuese oportuno, o que afrontaría a los adversarios
del Príncipe con el mismo arrojo, una, en mi opinión, por la que
merecería la pena luchar. Por otro lado, Elika suma espectacularidad
a todas las acciones del Príncipe, de manera que si ver al Persa en
acción ya era un gustazo, ver a ambos coordinarse y socorrerse en
los combates o en las plataformas multiplicaba las posibilidades del
The Princess Elika is, by far, the head of the most notable changes over others Prince of Persia, on the one hand, put an end to those solitary walks and silent for hours of play, the Prince now had a companion, not one that appeared not so often, or if it was a burden to him, but a determined woman, charming and very capable, one that would save him from falling over the edge when it was appropriate, or that opponents would face Prince with the same courage, one, in my view, it would be worth to fight. Furthermore, Elika spectacular sum of all actions of the Prince, so that if you see the Persian in action and was a great pleasure, to see both coordinated and succor in combat or on platforms multiplied the possibilities of the player.
bueno y lo malo
The good and the bad one
The good and the bad one
aparte, el juego se desenvuelve en dos apartados claramente
diferenciados, las plataformas y la acción, primando la primera
sobre la segunda, que se reserva casi en exclusiva para plantar cara
a los elegidos de Ahriman. Lo bueno, es que tanto desplegando la
amplia gama de acrobacias del Príncipe como manteniendo a raya a
nuestros adversarios junto a la Princesa, el juego es un espectáculo,
con un poco de habilidad podremos recorrer grandes extensiones de
escenario a base de improvisar con el entorno y colaborar con Elika,
por lo que respecta a los combates, son tanto o más emocionantes que
los retos acrobáticos, por ejemplo, puedes iniciar un combo
arrojando a la Princesa Elika contra nuestro enemigo para luego dar
una estocada, saltar por encima y lanzarlo al aire con nuestro
guantelete, una vez en el arriba tienes otra serie de opciones que te
permitirán cerrar la cadena como más gustes... y todo a una gran
velocidad que aún así nos permite disfrutar de la coreografía.
Plot aside, the game takes place in two distinct sections, platforms and action, prioritizing the former over the latter, which is reserved almost exclusively to fight the elects of Ahriman. The good thing is that the game is a spectacle, you can see all the acrobatics movements of the Prince alone or with the Princess and travel along a lot of amazing scenarios using them to improvise and collaborate with Elika. It´s exciting and they are a lot of challenges
está la espina? Una vez más tendremos que prestar atención a
nuestra compañera, Elika, que es tan eficiente que sobreprotege al
Principe, dicho de otro modo, siempre que nos precipitemos por un
acantilado la Princesa usará su poder para devolvernos sanos y
salvos a un lugar más estable, lo mismo ocurrirá en los combates,
cuando nuestro adversario nos vaya dar el golpe de gracia Elika
detonará una explosión de luz que nos permitirá replantear la
estrategia, lo que nos lleva a la inevitable conclusión, en este
juego no podremos morir, lo que es muy frustrante si buscas un reto
en este título, sobretodo porque en los Prince of Persia anteriores
sí teníamos una curva de dificultad bien delimitada.
Where is the bad part? Once more we have to pay attention to our companion, Elika, who is so efficient that overprotect the prince, in other words, if we leap off a cliff Princess will use his power to return us safely to a more stable, the same applies in the fighting, when our opponent will give us the knockout Elika detonate an explosion of light that will allow us to rethink the strategy, which leads to the inevitable conclusion, this game can not die, which is very frustrating if you want a challenge in this title, especially because in the previous Prince of Persia if we had a well-defined difficulty curve.
Where is the bad part? Once more we have to pay attention to our companion, Elika, who is so efficient that overprotect the prince, in other words, if we leap off a cliff Princess will use his power to return us safely to a more stable, the same applies in the fighting, when our opponent will give us the knockout Elika detonate an explosion of light that will allow us to rethink the strategy, which leads to the inevitable conclusion, this game can not die, which is very frustrating if you want a challenge in this title, especially because in the previous Prince of Persia if we had a well-defined difficulty curve.
me preguntó: ¿Qué es el amor? Yo contesté: “El amor es dulzura
pero en él hay tormento”
Mil y Una Noches
y drama, el verdadero tesoro del Principe.
Romance and drama, the real treasure of the Prince.
Romance and drama, the real treasure of the Prince.
es que el final te obligaba a cerrar los puños y gritar al cielo,
para los que creíamos que la historia solo podía tener un final
pasteloso y predecible como en las mejores novelas rosas, la muerte
de Elika fue un duro mazazo, en apenas unos instantes y creyendo
concluida nuestra aventura, la Princesa fallece en nuestros brazos y
la misma decisión que una vez torturó al Rey de los Ahura ahora se
nos presenta incuestionable, dejar atrás un reino hueco, o recuperar
a Elika aún sabiendo lo que eso supone, el Príncipe de Persia no
dudó en alzar la espada contra el Árbol de la Luz, un gesto que
posiblemente condenaría al mundo, pero que haría que la Princesa
regresara una vez más, un acto de amor egoista e infantil, pero un
acto de amor al fin y al cavo. Ambos abandonan el Reino de los Ahura,
Ahriman es libre, y esta vez, para siempre.
Thanks to a DLC we could play immediately after the events already narrated it, just say that the fate of the Prince does not improve, that the decision to resuscitate the Princess was not viewed favorably by her and made it clear that the game would need a second part to reconcile their battered players ...
The end forced you to close your fists and shout to heaven, because for the people who thought that the story could have only one super sweet end as in the best romances, Elika's death was a so hard to belive, in just moments and believing that was completed our adventure, Princess died in our arms and the same decision once tortured the King of Ahura now is the same for us... leaving behind a hollow kingdom, or save Elika, the Prince of Persia did not hesitate to raise his sword against the Tree of Light trying to save her, an act of love, selfish and childish, but an act of love... Both leave the kingdom of Ahura, Ahriman is free, and this time, forever.
a un DLC podíamos jugar lo acontecido inmediatamente después de lo
ya narrado, solo diré que la suerte del Príncipe no mejora, que la
decisión de resucitar a la Princesa no fue vista con buenos ojos por
la misma y que el juego dejaba claro que necesitaría de una segunda
parte para reconciliar a sus maltrechos protagonistas...
Y hasta aquí el repaso a Prince of Persia, para los que lo jugasteis, espero haberos recordado buenos momentos, al resto los animo a darle una oportunidad, ha sido un placer acercaros algo de lo que a mi me aportan los videojuegos, un abrazo.
And here, this is my review of Prince of Persia, if you played it I hope I have remembered the good times, and for the rest I encourage you to give it a try, it was a pleasure for me to show you something i love, the videogames. A big hug
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